Your Coffee Drinks You - Makes a Splash on the Internet


Since it’s release on 12/18/20, Your Coffee Drinks You, has created a major buzz on the internet. Within 24 hours, it was trending as the number one post on reddit’s r/horror subreddit (an online community of horror fans with 2.2 million subscribers). The post received 2,500 upvotes and over 500 comments.

Like my last short film, Beneath, this short was filmed in quarantine for an ultra-low budget, with an extremely small crew (consisting of my immediately family). This was my second project starring my mom as well.

Watch the film below, and see what the all the hype is about!

Beneath - Out Now!

Check out my horror short film Beneath! It’s out now, just in time for Halloween!

It was made entirely by me and my family in quarantine. It was shot in one room, for $200, and stars my parents (who are first-time actors).

I'm pretty proud of it and am excited to be sharing with everyone!

For more info on the making-of, check out this story on CBS8 San Diego!

Beneath - Coming Soon!


I’m extremely excited to announce my upcoming short horror film, Beneath!

It will be premiering online in time for Halloween, so stay tuned for exciting news regarding that soon!

Additionally, CBS 8 and CW San Diego will be running a story on the film, which was made during quarantine on a $200 budget and stars my parents.